Over the last few years I’ve had the opportunity to work with some of the medicinal, psychedelic, master plants of the Peruvian Amazon and the Pacific Northwest. The work with these plants brought into being dozens of songs, some of which are on this recording. I often felt that I was not even the primary writer, but that the plants were speaking through me. The songs reflect a sense of wonder and magic, transcendence and infinite potential. They also serve as a personal reminder: to stay grounded within the heart and body, and to think, speak and act wisely and kindly. If they could also serve others in this or any other way, it would feel to me like the greatest kind of artistic accomplishment.

Check out Tara!

The sun shines from your eyes

And your smile lights up the skies

Your voice can tell no lies

I could watch you sit for hours

Upon your lotus flower

May all beings know your power

Brave Earth

For water, ancestry, flora and fauna, Written in the rains of Costa Rica at the retreat center Terre Valiente, or Brave Earth.